Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I think my IQ just went down...

I am slowly going crazy...1...2...3...4...5...6...switch!

Have you ever gone through a training session and feel like you've just come out with significantly less brain cells than you started? "Excuse me sir, if I press the Synchronize All button, will I be able to take over the world?" "Would you mind telling me how to use the query function for the 1,456,831st time?"

Ugh...I'd rather just look forward to taco salad for dinner tonight...and something tasty for dessert. Like chocolate chip banana bread. By the way, for all you non-baking people (like me), in Edmonton, the Sunterra Market in Lendrum has yummy chocolate chip banana bread. If I want regular banana bread, I go to Planet's soft, moist, and major banana action - whoo hoo!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All for a good book...

I was supposed to ride the stationary bike during my lunch hour today. I was all set to go too, except I looked at my gym bag and remembered the book I was going to read was still sitting on my night stand at home. Once I realized I was bookless, I put my gym bag down, grabbed my wallet and went downstairs to buy some grub instead.

My exercise routine is wholly dependent on the reading material I bring with me...

Ahhh...a new a fresh page of elephant poo paper...

It's been a while since I've written in a blog. I'm a rambling writer...too wordy for my own good. But hey, you've been forewarned that most of what I write will be mindless anyway. I figure this blog will be about food, toys, books, manga/anime, shiny objects, and day-to-day observations that will refine my procrastination skills while at "work". Like you don't do it too...pffft...

So while wandering through some of the local stationery stores, I've been noticing that there's a new type of paper in the world of "recycled goods". Animal poo paper. Apparently poo from animals such as elephants, cows, horses, and pandas are pretty much all fiber, so processed poo can produce some wicked, odorless paper products. Huh...go figure. The paper is pretty fiberous too...and lumpy textured...ummm...yeah.

I'm all for saving the environment, but animal crap doesn't seem to be on the top of my list of things we need to deal with. But hey, it adheres to the "reuse" portion of the recycling mantra, so what the hell, jump on the bandwagon! Save some trees! Go use some shitty paper! Check out POOPOOPAPER™ ...if only for their awesome tagline "We're Number One At Number Two! ™"

Okay. I'm tired. Propaganda (even the good stuff) is hard work.

Over the weekend, I made my very first batch of chicken curry from a complete idiot's guide recipe that my mom gave me. I was so happy that it turned out edible...and not resembling something an alien birthed in a dark corner of a cave. Especially since outside of buying some ingredients, chopping up an onion and some chicken, and literally dumping everything into a cooking'd have to try really hard to go wrong. Mmm...curry.

I have to credit my mom's recipe, which read like the instruction manual to my brand new Nikon DSLR. Not only did she give me the instructions on how to prepare and cook said ingredients, but included all other variations (i.e. lamb curry, beef curry, whole chicken, chicken parts, with or without potatoes and levels of potato mushiness) possible. It's probably the only curry recipe that my stomach can handle and doesn't have me rushing to the washroom doubled over in pain.

Poo and curry...maybe I need to plan my blog out a little better...