Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prairie Weather, love it or hate it

My boyfriend reminded me the other night that I was neglecting my blog. Not like it's an obligation to write on a daily basis, but he's right, I've been neglecting it. So while I stew a little on the last book I finished (review is pending on Brisingr by Christopher Paolini), I'll just mutter on a little bit about the weather.

Couple weeks ago I was praying for rain. Not spitty rain, but a good steady rain to wash away the dirt, dust, and general crap (and I literally mean crap) lying around from the winter melt. The winds were high and blowing said crap around so much, it felt like the earth was bone dry crumbling to ashes. Not only that, but my allergies were on high alert, hives, red eyes, sore sinuses and water tap runny nose to boot.

So this past week I got rain...and sleet, and snow. Yup...a spring blizzard it is...ahhh life in the prairies. If it's not desert dry, it struggles with its Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality. I know the parched soil needs moisture, but I was really just hoping for "normal" rain. Sad to say that this unseasonal weather is actually kind of...seasonal.

At least there's one bonus with this wet and sticky snow...I got to bust out the new DSLR and take a couple pictures of snow laden spring blooming trees. Even got a singing robin in there as well...though for that it would have been nice to have a larger zoom. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers...I spent enough on my precious camera as it is.

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